It’s time! Let’s End Tuberculosis in Nigeria …We Need Your Help to Find and Treat TB cases Lagos Nigeria: As Nigeria joins the world to celebrate this year’s World TB Day on Sunday March 24, 2019, Development Communication calls on all Nigerians to protect their family members from the menace of the highly infectious disease. TB kills 18 Nigerians every hour and 4,500 people globally every day. The theme for this year’s World Tuberculosis Day is IT’s TIME . World TB Day is a great opportunity to raise more awareness among people on the need to end a curable illness. It is estimated that 407,000 people in Nigeria have TB each year. This is the estimated number of HIV negative people that have the disease. In addition there are an estimated 63,000 HIV positive people that get TB each year. An estimated 115,000 HIV negative people die from TB in Nigeria each year and an estimated 39,000 HIV positive people also die. It is difficult to appreciate what...