#Mothersyarn: Do you know that frequent massage and stimulation of the breast can lead to faster milk production after delivery???

Breast sucking and massage at the pre and post-natal stage of pregnancy is the ‘new kid’ on the block. With continuous engagement, insufficient breast milk formulation for exclusive breast feeding will belong to the past. 

A lot of women often complain about inadequate/lack production after delivery, hence forcing them to formula feed the baby and depriving the baby of colostrum and exclusive breast feeding during the first few days of childbirth. This is can however be prevented by frequent massage of the breast at the pre-natal period which is of utmost importance as every part of the human body has been wired to the brain which serves as the central power plant sending signals and feelings to the entire part of the body. This revelation was presented by UNICEF Nutrition specialist Ms Phelomena Irene during her address in YOLA on efforts to reduce the malnutrition plague in the country.

Breast milk is a cheap and economical way to give baby all the require nutrients in their first six months of life. Ms Irene claimed that this new method of breast milk production is evidence based according to best practices and global standards and the statistics afterwards were overwhelmingly positive. She also said frequent massage of the breast at the pre-natal period was of utmost importance as every part of the human body has been wired to the brain which serves as the central power plant sending signals and feelings to the entire part of the body that your breast should get ready to perform its physiological ‎make-up i.e.  produce milk for the infant as well.

Massaging of the breast will help clear the milk ducts and cause the milk to flow more freely which will help trigger higher milk production.

So men as naughty as this may sound, do not hesitate to help your woman suck the nipples ‎and also massage the breasts very well in the few months preceding delivery for the sake of your baby and women don't hesitate to massage yourself if your man is not available. 

Also, exclusive breast feeding is also an economical way of practicing family planning 

Frequent and regular breastfeeding as a form of contraception is called lactational amenorrhoea method (LAM). LAM is about 98 per cent effective. 

But LAM  will only  work if; 
  • Your baby is younger than six months old.
  • Your periods have not returned.
  • You are exclusively breastfeeding your baby on demand, both night and day.
Picture source: Google: Mamanatural
Picture source: Pintrest: A well, Clogs and Bath

Post by: Bakare Fausiat Modupe


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