
Showing posts from April, 2017

#Mothersyarn: Causes of Infection during pregnancy

After looking for a place to urinate for the fifth time in 50 minutes while doing some shopping at the main market, Bolanle knew it was high time to go and get some urine infection test done with the little cramps that comes with the urge to pee. This is not because of the "every 10 minutes urinating" but because of the unhygienic places she found herself using when the sudden urge to pee comes. She could recall a particular incident where she had to pee at a refuse dump after a visit to her local stylist salon and the sudden urge to go arose. Choi! If only she could carry her clean, well perfumed and sanitized home rest room around she will. Bolanle knew frequent urge to urinate is normal in pregnancy but what was not normal was the burning sensation and the foul smell that comes with it.   A chat with doctor revealed "Up to 10 percent of expectant moms will get a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point during their pregnancies, according to the March of D...

Family Planning; A means to tackle Malnutrition in Nigeria

Malnutrition often starts with a pregnant woman lacking all the right nutrients and vitamins the fetus needs to grow. As the baby’s organs properly develop during the first five weeks of pregnancy, a mother needs to eat balanced diet for if the child becomes malnourished in the womb, the damage can be permanent.  According to UNICEF 90,000 children could die in the coming year, amounting to almost 250 child deaths each day,  unless the international and local community takes swift actio n.   " The world produces enough food to feed every man, woman and child on earth. Hunger and malnutrition therefore are not due to lack of food alone, but are also the consequences of poverty, inequality and misplaced priorities. ” – UNICEF Deputy Executive Director, Kul C. Gautam . Evidence has proven that Family planning can directly and indirectly affect the nutritional status of women,children and infants.  A good nutrition can improve the health of a pregnant w...

Diabetes a major killer battling both young and old if not taking care of properly

Yesterday we wrote about how to prevent Diabetes Mellitus (DM), today we will be talking about what to do if diagnosed with DM.  This news is not a death warrant, and as said in my earlier post a lot of  people in Nigeria are living with it and living just fine. It will just require you to make some certain lifestyle changes most especially in your diet. In our talk with an Health Promotion and Education specialist, dietician and nutritionist, Miss Damilola Adewale, here are some few tips she gave us.  Diagnosed with DM, you need to constantly check your blood glucose to make sure it doesn't rise unknowingly, it is advisable to get the  diabetes testing kit and learn how to do it yourself.  Ensure you eat a generous portion of vegetables with each meals. Portion control is important, eat in small size at a time in other not to overburden your digestive system. The inability  of the body to secrete insulin to mop up excess glucose from the blood and sha...

Diabetes a major killer battling both young and old

My first post is about diabetes because i recently suffered a loss of a very dear uncle to this ailments just last week. It was too painful. So today how about i walk us through the simple steps of "How to prevent Diabetes". According to the stastistics gotten from International Diabetes Foundation there were more than 1.56 million cases of diabetes in Nigeria in 2015 and 40815 adults die due to diabetes. Our body normally convert all carbohydrates and sugar consumed into glucose so a person is said to have diabetes if your cells simply can't take in the glucose anymore and then it starts building in the blood. High level of blood glucose can now result into damage in tiny blood vessels, kidneys, eyes, nervous system and heart.   How do i prevent Diabetes Mellitus (DM)? 1. Walk into a health centre near you today and check your blood sugar level without delay 2.  Manage your weight. No the fat in your belly is not a sign of good health o. It predisposes you to ...

About Healthcommunicators

Health communicators goal is to pass health, social and developmental information to enable people make more informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. This blog is been managed by Health promotion and Education specialist. We will appreciate your daily visit to the site.  Happy reading