
Showing posts from June, 2017

It's World Sickle Cell Day and we have a champion!!!! Can you guess who she is ?

I met this lady while working for a nonprofit organization in Osogbo some years ago and her spirit simply amazes me, she has so much drive and passion i sometimes question myself that if she can do what she has done why am i still on my A**.  She is living with Sickle cell and recently came out to declare herself on instagram and i was very proud of that. We all know a lot of people living with Sickle cell in Nigeria go to a lot of extents to hide their status and with due reasons. So it must have taken a lot of courage to come out and declare herself, which is why she is our champion today.  Meet and greet Miss Wemimo Name : Awonaike Oluwawemimo Ifeoluwa State of origin: Ogun State Age: 25 Instagram :@Wemmynaike Educational status: Graduate. MSc (Industrial and personnel relations) in View from University of Ibadan Status: Single What were your challenges as a Sickle cell in the Nigerian education system?  I missed some test and Exams du...

Paedophiles are not always strangers' they are sometimes the known aunties, uncles, and neigbours. #Be alert

You will be amazed at the shocking rise of pedophiles in Nigeria now. Statistics shows One in four girls and one in ten boys in Nigeria had experienced sexual violence before the age of 18, please tell me who is molesting them? There is hardly a day that goes by where news of a molested young kid by a much older adults is not out on the news. Very soon Nigeria will out rise Cambodia and other countries as one of the most dangerous place for kids to live in if this pedophilia rise is not tackled.  Under the law a rapist of a minor gets life imprisonment but how often pedophilia get away with offenses because they are known to the children and not reported is heartbreaking. Most times such cases is either not reported as kids have been brain washed or scared out of their wits and hence does not speak out. Even when cases are reported this cases gets swept under the rug as family issues with the police and as such should be dealt with among families. My case especiall...

#MothersYarn: There is a plane crash full of women everyday in Nigeria and no one is mourning. "The need for media to put Family Planning as a front burner issue in Nigeria"

That woman that died during childbirth has a husband, a brother, a sister and loved ones. Women's death affects more than just an individual because it causes ripple effect and in turn affects the society in general and yet a whole five hundred and fifty five (555) women are dying for every 100,000 live births yearly  in Lagos alone. (NDHS 2013).  Family Planning funds has however not been increased since family planning budget line was implemented in 2013, so technically the government is saying they are okay with about five hundred and fifty five women dying in Nigeria yearly. The Government is telling us they are okay with a woman dying while giving birth every time someone bats an eyelid.  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! Isaac Newton said it's only a foolish man that will do something the same way over and over again and expect different result which was why it was emphasized in the two days training organized by Development Communication Network...

#Mothersyarn: Do you know that frequent massage and stimulation of the breast can lead to faster milk production after delivery???

Breast sucking and massage at the pre and post-natal stage of pregnancy is the ‘new kid’ on the block. With continuous engagement, insufficient breast milk formulation for exclusive breast feeding will belong to the past.  A lot of women often complain about inadequate/lack production after delivery, hence forcing them to formula feed the baby and depriving the baby of colostrum and exclusive breast feeding during the first few days of childbirth . This is can however be prevented by frequent massage of the breast at the pre-natal period which is of utmost importance as every part of the human body has been wired to the brain which serves as the central power plant sending signals and feelings to the entire part of the body. This revelation was presented by UNICEF Nutrition specialist Ms Phelomena Irene during her address in YOLA on efforts to reduce the malnutrition plague in the country. Breast milk is a cheap and economical way to give baby all the require n...