#MothersYarn: There is a plane crash full of women everyday in Nigeria and no one is mourning. "The need for media to put Family Planning as a front burner issue in Nigeria"

That woman that died during childbirth has a husband, a brother, a sister and loved ones. Women's death affects more than just an individual because it causes ripple effect and in turn affects the society in general and yet a whole five hundred and fifty five (555) women are dying for every 100,000 live births yearly  in Lagos alone. (NDHS 2013). 

Family Planning funds has however not been increased since family planning budget line was implemented in 2013, so technically the government is saying they are okay with about five hundred and fifty five women dying in Nigeria yearly. The Government is telling us they are okay with a woman dying while giving birth every time someone bats an eyelid.  THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

Isaac Newton said it's only a foolish man that will do something the same way over and over again and expect different result which was why it was emphasized in the two days training organized by Development Communication Network and Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative titled "Spitfire Advocacy Training on Family Planning" that the media has important role to play in saving women's lives by giving priority to reporting on family planing issues in a way that stimulates public discourse and draws attention of the decision makers to the importance of health outcomes for women. This will increase accountability among policy makers on Family planning/ child birth spacing as a key life saving programme

The media has been enjoined to; 
  • to monitor government investment and actions on Family planning/child birth spacing and disseminate information to the public on government performance and
  • advocate for Family Planning/Child birth spacing by writing compelling stories  among others 

Saving women's lives starts with you. Support family Planning and Child birth spacing today. #MAKENAIJASTRONGER


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