The first time I  heard about One Campaign was on BBNAIJA 2017, my interest increased and i was curious to know about what the campaign is about so i google. On checking the site i read about so many works the ONE Campaign is doing especially through their ONE Champions in Nigeria in tackling extreme poverty. I applied this year to join the campaign and was selected after passing through a strategic selection process by ONE.org.

So fast forward to the 3- Day training program that took place in Newton Park Hotel Abuja where I met 49 other Champions that has been doing great work in the developmental Sectors in Nigeria. Who said Nigerian Youths are Lazy again?

I got a better understanding on the strategies ONE.ORG uses to tackle and eradicate extreme poverty in Nigeria doing and these includes;

#MAKENAIJASTRONGER: Millions of Nigerians are dying from preventable diseases due to low investment and corruption in the health sector. So #MakeNaijastronger seeks to strengthen the health sector. Once a woman is healthy, the home is healthy, the community is healthy.

#GirlsCount: 130 million girls don't have access to education. The girls count campaign is using education as a strategy to reduce poverty. Right now, 130 million girls around the world are being denied an education  and, because of that, the chance to reach their full potential. An educated girl/woman will make a more informed decision for a better life.

#ONEVoteNaija: Seeks to promote accountability and transparency in Government. Advocating to all Nigerians to get their PVC and vote during the upcoming election 

The ONE training was an eyeopener. Their is still a lot of work yet to be done in developing the country and we must all contribute our quota.

Where you live should not Determine, whether you LIVE. Join the fight against extreme poverty today. Be a volunteer with ONE  by following this link

Bakare Fausiat (C) Founder Healthcommunicators Media content provider, Trainer & consultant, Communication4Development, Social Media Influencer
Catch me on Twitter @HealthcommNG
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Facebook & email – Healthcommunicatorsng@gmail.com


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