"#LISTENFIRST; this is what drug dealers will tell you!!! NoExcuse4DrugAbuse

They will approach you a friend and tell you they like to lift you up and make you cool, help you fit in #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse
They will tell you " cocaine will make you a life of the party" and They will tell you Ecstasy can make you be with a lot of girls. #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse

They don't care if the drugs ruin your life, they just want to sell and make profit. 
Get the facts about drugs and make your own decision @Healthcommng
Balogun Fausiat (C) Founder Healthcommunicators Media content provider, Trainer & consultant, Communication4Development, Social Media Influencer
Catch me on Twitter @HealthcommNG
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Facebook & email – Healthcommunicatorsng@gmail.com, fausiatbakare@gmail.com


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