Healing after a Caesarian Section;

 8 tips to heal faster 
If you are a mother and you have gone through the pains of bringing another human from your body regardless of where baby came out from please give yourself a big round of applause, if the baby is by caesarean section make the applause longer! It may take about six weeks to forever to recover from your #caesareansection

So, I asked a couple of my friends to share tips about healing after CS and here is what they have to say;

1.                Once your dressing has been removed, clean and dry your wound carefully every day. You may find it more comfortable to wear cotton high-waisted pants and loose clothes (grandma knickers only) so it won't touch your CS site
2.                Wear your compression socks to avoid blood clot and help increase blood flow
3.                 No lifting any heavy stuff, the heavies you should be carrying is your baby
4.                Avoid doing exercise till after 3 months. Chill Mama and don't set unrealistic body goals, remember healing comes first. However, you can start with your Kegel exercise almost immediately. 
5.                Remember you didn't push your baby out so you still have a lot of blood  in your tummy, you need to eat  a lot of warm things so all the blood in your uterus can begin to flow out 
6.                Try not to laugh to hard, cough too hard or do anything too hard and just take it easy till your body is back to Normal
7.                There is no medical proof for this but I have heard applying honey on the surgery site after the incision has closed can make it heal faster and the wound less ugly. But whatever you do, do not use fake honey
8.                Last but not the least your whole body needs at least 18 months to heal, so no getting pregnant till after then. They actually cut you up and sew you back up so no daddy and mummy play without protection/contraceptives. Remember if you get pregnant without healing properly you are putting both you and the foetus at risk.

 Your health and life come first, protect it Mama's. Share your tips of your healing process after #CaesareanSection with us.

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Balogun Fausiat (C) Founder Healthcommunicators Media content provider, Trainer & consultant, Communication4Development, Social Media Influencer
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