People-oriented programmes can curb population explosion in Nigeria
s Nigeria celebrates the World
Population Day 2019, the Nation needs to strategically implement effective
people-oriented programmes that can stem the tide of the negative impact of
unbridled population explosion on the countries resources and stability. Development Communications (DevComs)
Network, call on everyone to celebrate this year’s World Population Day
with the theme: “25 Years of ICPD: Accelerating the Promise” and
make the ICPD promises a reality for the betterment of all Nigerians.
Nigeria’s rising population remains a
threat to the country’s economic and social development, 25 years after the
historic International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). The
little resources apportioned for a certain number of people is being stretched
to more people because of the large population thereby stagnating future
development and advancement of the country.
Photo: The Nigeria
Child, what future do they have?
The ICPD was the inaugural meeting in
Cairo in the year 1994 where 179 governments adopted a revolutionary Programme
of Action and called for women’s reproductive health and rights to take centre
stage in national and global development efforts. Nigeria amongst the
countries that adopted it, had her population as 105.4million people in 1994
and twenty-five years after (2019) the country’s population has more than
doubled with over 200 million people, equivalent to 2.6% of the total world
population. Nigeria remains a leading
cause of population explosion ranking as the seventh most populous in the world
and first in Africa.
Akin Jimoh, DevComs Programme
Director, asserts that, “there is a need to support the National Population
Commission (NPoPC) to reflect, on the best ways to solve the issue of
population explosion in the country, 25 years after the ICPD. The government need to place population
management at the front burner of their policy making and allocation of
resources, especially investment in programmes like family planning services.” Family planning is an essential tool to be
prioritized and invested in as it will help the government save money that can
be invested in other development programmes like education, health, job
creation and so on.
The Program Officer (Communications),
DevComs and a ONE Champion Fausiat Balogun says “government needs to fulfill
the youth declaration drafted by young people themselves. It demands that
government take action to create 3 million
jobs each year for young people, tackle corruption, healthcare, education,
gender discrimination, and agriculture; with investments and policies that unlock
the potential of young Nigerians. This will help significantly to
harness the demographic dividend and also help avoid a population disaster,
especially as young people are currently more than half of the population”.
If these actions are taken, the issue
of mental health instability, drug abuse and other social vices and illness
among young people will also be curbed if not totally eradicated. Accelerating
the International Conference on Population and Development promise on some
issues is paramount as these issues remains unresolved till now! This will mean
a renewed promise of ‘Leaving no one behind’ by harnessing demographic dividend
and building inclusive and just societies.
Maternal Mortality Ratio remains
unacceptably high! Modern Contraceptive rate remains unacceptably low, sexual
violence is on the increase. We have a long way to go but we need to start by
managing our population strategically and critically NOW, says Balogun.
Balogun Fausiat (C) Founder Healthcommunicators Media content provider, Trainer & consultant, Communication4Development, Social Media Influencer
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