Sex Education: What your child/wards needs to know

Watch this video and see how shocked the dad was when the kid started to twerk! That is how exposed our kids are either we like it or not!

Mention sex education to a Naija parent and watch their countenance change to a very disapproving and judgmental look

Funny how either you like it or not, these kids are exposed to a highly sexualized society and media that pushes out sexual contents like rain during wet season.
These kids are now left confused on how to handle what they are seeing and hearing versus what their parents say

It is our role to teach them how to handle things right from when they are at a very young age.

If you don't give your children sex education, they will learn about sex from somewhere else. Teach them about sex and sexuality so, you can instill the right moral values in them.

Sex education is a broad term used to describe education about human sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, and other aspects of human sexual behaviour.

It is designed to help the youth gain the information, skills, and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex in life.

We will be starting a series on Sex Education for kids, adolescents and young people.

Balogun Fausiat (C) Founder Healthcommunicators Media content provider, Trainer & consultant, Communication4Development, Social Media Influencer
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